[100% Approval in 2023] How to get Google Adsense Approved

Earning money by monetizing your blog with Google AdSense is the first choice of every blogger. Today we will know how to get Google Adsense Approved in 2023.

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  • Google AdSense Approval Trick in 2023
  • Google Adsense Approval Checklist
  • Google AdSense Approval Tips
  • Google AdSense Approval Process
  • And how can you take Google Adsense Approval for your blog for the first time only?

Although there are many ways to earn money by making a blog, the best of them all is Google Adsense, and why not it is the best ad network to date, where you get money for both CPC and impression.

New bloggers find it very difficult to get approval for a Google AdSense account, I also came,

Because then just like you, I was ignoring those small mistakes which should not have been done and for this reason, I also got to see rejection once or twice, after seeing the rejection, I realized my mistakes.

And I can say with confidence that if you have not yet received or are unable to get AdSense Approval, then this guide will help you 100% in getting AdSense Approval.

You have to complete all the Google AdSense Approval Checklists given below, after that, you will get 100% Google Adsense approval in the very first time and if even after that you get any error then you will get the solution for all of them on this website.

How to get Google AdSense approved

In Google AdSense Approval Tips and Tricks, we will give you a checklist of some main points that you have to fulfill, and after that, you will get 100% approval.

You have to understand all these points in detail, just by reading the Heading, you will not know the exact detail of the content.

So let’s start with the Google AdSense Approval Checklist and the conditions required to get Google Adsense approval: –

Unique Content

Content is King Google’s first preference is to give Best to Best Experience to its users, so Google quickly promotes those blogs that write Unique Content.

Here Unique Content means that information is not already on the internet, if you write that which is already filled on the internet, then you are not giving any special experience to your users in the eyes of Google.

Unique content in the eyes of people means writing better content than your competitors in your own words. This is also true, but you will do this later first, you write 10-12 articles in such a way that you will not find them on the Internet.

Create Pages

Whether you create a Blog with Blogger or WordPress, if you want to monetize your blog with Google AdSense, then you will have to create some pages.

  • About Us Page
  • Contact Us
  • Disclaimer
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms and Conditions Page

Note: – If you do Affiliate Marketing in your Blog and want to get AdSense with Affiliate Blog, then you will also have to create an Affiliate Discloser page.

Mobile Friendly or Responsive Theme

Today more than half of internet users use their mobile to search for anything.

In such a situation, Google also wants its publisher that their blog and website should be Mobile Responsive, which can open comfortably on any device and give a great experience to its users.

So to get Adsense approval from Google quickly, you should use a Theme and template in your blog which is Mobile Responsive, fast-loaded, user-friendly, and Google SEO friendly.

I use the most popular and used Generate Press Theme in my blog, you can read its review.

Use a valid SSL Certificate if you’re using Https

To redirect a Blog from Http to Https SSL certificate has to be turned on, in Blogger you get a Free SSL Certificate like Google in which you never face any issues but for a WordPress blog, you have to buy an SSL Certificate.

When you buy your hosting to create a WordPress Blog, there are many such Reliable Hosting companies that give you a Secured & Valid SSL certificate for free like Bluehost

SSL certificate increases the security of your blog. If you use SSL Certificate in your blog, then according to Google’s policies you will have to use Valid SSL Certificate and not Self signed SSL Certificate.

Many New Bloggers get their Blog Self Signed SSL certificate so that they do not get Approval.

If you have done Self-signed SSL on your blog too, then you need to recheck.

Some people take services from Cloudflare just to use Free SSL in their blog and from there get self-signed SSL ADD to their blog.

Before sending for approval, you should use a Valid SSL certificate in your blog.

Copyright Content & Images

How to get Google Adsense Approved? To know, you need to pay a lot of attention to Copyright Content & Images, you neither have to write any copyrighted content nor put any copyrighted images in your blog.

Copyright content means such as:

  • You are copying the article from someone else’s website and pasting it into your blog.
  • By copying any English website and changing it to the Hindi language, they are writing it.

Even taking someone’s Topic Idea, reading it, and rewriting it slightly in reverse in your words can also cause AdSense Rejection for you and in this, you have chances of getting low-value content errors.

What is the condition for images under the content policy to get AdSense in the Blog? Do not use copyrighted images like:-

  • Whenever you download an image from the Internet, you must read the policies of that website.
  • There are many such websites for Royalty Free Images from where you get copyright-free images for free, you can use them.
  • Once you read the privacy policies of the tool with which you edit your image, and if you know how to use Photoshop, then you can use Photoshop to make a featured image otherwise, everything is easy and the best is canva.com

With Canva you can create amazing featured images and graphics for free.

Domain Age

How to get Google Adsense Approved? Domain age also matters Domain Age means when you buy your domain and when you start your blog on that domain, by the way, if we talk about Google AdSense, then the Domain age in India should be at least 6 Months old.

If your blog is 6 months old then your chances of approval increase but it does not mean that you cannot get approval before this.

If you have done all the other steps properly, then you can get approval from AdSense even in one month.

Custom Domain

If you have created a free blog on Blogger and are using the Blogspot.com domain, then it will take you at least 6 months to get Google Adsense approval.

It will hardly cost you less than Rs 500-700 to get a Custom Domain, so you must invest in your blogging business.

To get the approval of Google AdSense as well as to make your Blogging career successful, you use Custom Domain.

Number of Blog Posts

Before sending your blog for AdSense Approval, at least you publish 20-22 articles in it, if you write articles of 1000-1200 words, and if you write articles of 2000-2500 words, then at least Publish 17-18 quality articles.

Pay attention to On-Page SEO while writing an article, it will help you a lot later and will also increase your user experience.

User Navigation or Interface

Google is a User-Friendly Search Engine that wants to give a good experience to its users, so you have to take special care of the design, and navigation of your blog.

In such a situation, if you have not made navigation and interface in the right way, then also you can get a rejection from Google Adsense.

for example:-

  • If you have installed many widgets on your website which are very close to each other
  • Your given links are misleading, instead of clicking someone, some other click is happening.
  • If you have a category shown in your home page header, sidebar, or footer, then there must be at least 4 articles in each category.
  • You will not leave any category menu widget or link blank which is blank when clicked.
  • Design the blog well

Blog Traffic

How to get Google Adsense Approved? Although there is no such Thumb Rule in terms of how much traffic you need to get Google AdSense Approval, my suggestion will be that you bring some organic traffic to your blog, get some posts and keywords ranked in Google SERP, and after that you AdSense Send your blog for Approval.

How to rank Blog Post on the #1st page of Google?
You do not earn just by taking Google Adsense approval, and even if you get AdSense Approval without traffic, you will not be able to show AdSense ads on your website until some traffic starts coming to your blog.

Otherwise, there is a risk of AdSense being disabled in your blog, this is because when no traffic is coming to your blog, sometimes you will see your own ads or click on them and these are invalid activities count. Due to this AdSense can be disabled.

So whenever you start building your blog, take full care of on-page SEO, whose benefits you will start getting soon after AdSense arrives.


Correct setting of Robots.txt If you have made the wrong setting of robots.txt then Search Engine Bots will not be able to crawl and index your website and you may get your site unavailable and any google AdSense error.

Publish Post Regularly

Even after you send your blog to Google AdSense, do not stop publishing the post.

As long as your AdSense application is in Review, publish the article in the same way as you have been doing.

Give correct information in the Adsense account

Many times we do everything in our blog, even after everything is correct, why do not we get Approval for AdSense Account?

The reason for this is not creating Google AdSense Account correctly and not filling in the information correctly.

Final Words Google AdSense Approval Trick

Today we learned that Google AdSense Approval? or about Google AdSense Approval Trick in 2023 if you do all these steps well then definitely you will get AdSense approval.

Sometimes there can be a small reason for not getting AdSense that you just do not know and if you have done that small step then you get Adsense approval in 1 go.

Why not get Google AdSense approval on my blog? What is the reason for this?

The biggest reason for not getting Google AdSense is that you have not yet read the policies of Google AdSense properly and have not understood what Google wants from its publisher. It has answers to all your questions

Can you connect both youtube and the blog to one google Adsense account?

Yes! You can verify both your Youtube Channel and Blog with a Google AdSense Account.

How many YouTube channels can I open with one Adsense account?

You can connect unlimited YouTube channels and blogs, Websites with an AdSense Account. As Google has told in its policies that One Account for One Person. So whatever you have, you can get it verified from your AdSense Account.

Do I have to take Adsense approval again if I change my domain name?

Yes! After changing the domain name, you will have to take AdSense Approval again on your new domain. But if you put back the same domain in your site from which AdSense was approved, then you will be able to run Google ads on it, the only condition is that you have not deleted that domain from your Adsense account. Some people take AdSense in Blogspot. When adding Custom Domain, they have to get their blog verified again.

Is it possible to get Adsense approval on a website with no article like something interactive visuals only?


After how much time I can add payment details to the newly created AdSense Account?

When your 10$ is completed in your AdSense Account, then you have to process to verify your Pin, Google sends you a Pin for Address verification, and after that, you can fill in your Bank details in your AdSense Account.

Is getting Google Adsense approval in lockdown?

Yes! It is definitely taking some time but everyone is getting AdSense Approval even in Lockdown.

Does Adsense get disapproved while transferring from Blogger to WordPress?

No! While transferring your blog from Blogger to WordPress, you will remove the Google AdSense code from your blog, after you change anything, it will not make any difference.
Even later, if you have to make any changes in your blog, then first you remove the AdSense code from the blog, after that make all the changes and then add the code back, this is the right process.

From which angle are the required documents to create a Google Adsense account?

While creating an AdSense Account, you do not have to provide any Mandatory documents, but when you create an Account, then you should fill in all the information as per your legal documents like Pancard, Adharcard, and later if verification is required. So you have to see these documents.

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